The objective is to secure a future for tigers and to ensure the
beauty and ecological integrity of their native lands.
My goal is to help establish the best protection practices and to
develop a healthy relationship between nature and humankind.
As well as raising awarness about the extinction of tigers and other species around the world.
The situation is dire.
The tiger population has been obliterated, from over 100,000 a hundred years ago, to less than 4,000 tigers that remain in the wild.
To prevent extinction it is pivotal to improve advocary, legislation, education, and anti-poaching regulation.
We must take action now.
Ways in which you can help are to inform yourself on the threats that tigers
are faced with, donate to foundations that work towards protecting tigers, and
by joining oragnizaatons that shed light on the endangerment of tigers and
other animals.
With your help we are a step closer to saving tigers from extinction, every
small action counts, so join the cause and click the link below for more information!
World Wild Life Foundation
Donate Now
Hi, my name is Judith.
I have been passionite about saving tigers and other wildlife since I was in middle school.
I was motivated to make this website because the endangernment of tigers is at an all time high.
I have chosen to take a stand and help bring awareness to this cause.
If you feel the same as I do, I invite you join me!